bleach may do terrible things to your embroidery threads.
dish detergent is often recommended. If the embroidery includes silk, use a cleaning method *intended* for silk or at least for hair (i.e. Orvus or NoMoreTears). Avoid cleaners that include dyes. Many whiteners are actually blue dyes. Such wil throw off your colors.
If you've been eating chocolate, the iron in the chocolate may be leaving rust stains. Good luck on getting out rust without messing up the embroidery.
Let the embroidery dry face down on a white towel. If color bleeds into the towel, repeat. If color still bleeds into the towel, repeat. If color still beeds into the towel, give up. Do *not* hang it up to dry because any bleeding would go into adjacent areas and may never ever come out.
For future projects: don't do that. Earlier this week I was snacking on chocolate-covered peanuts in 80+潞F weather, using a spoon to keep the chocolate off my hands. I've eaten potatoe chips with chop sticks. You don't need to stop snacking unless you want to do so. IMHO you do need to stop touching the snacks with your hands as you embroider.What's the best way to wash cross stitch fabric?
By hand with dish detergent.
Wash it in mild, dishwashing soap by hand, in cold water, warm could cause certain colors to bleed. Be careful of scrubbing it, because you don't want to pull out any of your stiches. When you've cleaned it, then blot it between 2 clean towels, do NOT wring it or you can warp the design. Allow to dry, those cool sweater racks that you can put over the tub are great for this. To iron your design, place the design side DOWN and sandwich between 2 clean towels or pressing cloths. I keep muslin on hand for this.
And the way to avoid getting the cloth dirty is to not eat while your stitching it. As a matter of fact, that's how I keep myself from munching...I grab my cross stitching. It's an excellent weight loss tip! I always wash my hands before starting, and never eat anything while I'm working on it.
Best way is to hand wash it in non biological powder. Dry it flat. If it needs ironed. Iron it from the wrong side and place it stitching side down on a thick towel so the stitches do not get flattened. I hope this was of some help to you.
i let mine soak in laundry soap for a day then let it dry that works for me
i would say just wash it in warm water with bleach alternative detergent. iron it after so it looks nice again..... i always wash my hands before i work on mine
what works best for me after I have finished a cross stitch to wash is of course wash your hands then fill your kitchen sink with lukewarm soapy water and was by hand. to dry just put it in a towel. fold the towel in half first and out it in the middle and fold towel over cross stitch. plus washing it by hand prevents cross stitch to shrink
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