Thursday, December 24, 2009

My girlfriend will not put fabric softner in when she is doing my wash.? do i convince her that just washing clothes is not enough. its a science!My girlfriend will not put fabric softner in when she is doing my wash.?
It sounds like there's a power struggle going on here. Be careful, or she'll start peeing in your soup and cleaning the toilet with your toothbrush. Since you want your clothes washed a certain way, you should wash them yourself. I'm married, and I wash my own clothes because I'm picky like you are. You have to learn how to choose your battles.My girlfriend will not put fabric softner in when she is doing my wash.?
you don't like how she does it - do it yourself.
you don't have to have it my kids are allergic to it maybe she is if you have to have it do your own
DO IT YOUR SELF if you dont appreciate her doing it her own way at least its washed half way. let her know you like your clothes with softner
be grateful she is doing it
Buy a great big jug of it that you put up on the shelf (the kind that has the button on it so she doesn't have to lift it) and it will be easy and convenient for her plus tell her how much you payed for it and she might not want to waste it. Or, you could do a few loads of laundry yourself with it and she might like the way they turn out. Also, fabric softner helps to get all of the soap out of clothes.
I used to use the fabric sheets UNTIL I tried liquid softener. WOW what a difference!!! Love that stuff. You can get the non scented if she is allergic or hasn't found a scent she likes yet...But Liquid IS the way to go. It stops the fabrics from fraying with washing, It loosens hair and other things like feathers so it comes off in the dryer, and it helps in making your clothes look and feel new longer.
Fabric softener adds oil back onto the clothes, I personally wash clothing to get oil (from bodies) off my clothing. It will keep towels from being absorbent and can deposit chemicals on to your skin. The oil can trap allergens on your clothes as well. Fabric softener is a useless product, but as P.T. Barnum said - ';there's a sucker born every minute.';
while the washer is going, sneak in some while she isn't looking
Fabric softener is a chemical poison which attaches itself to your clothes and is then transferred to your body and absorbed by your skin. It causes cancer. Don't use it.

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