Sunday, December 20, 2009

How to get duct tape off fabric and can you wash it?

So i have this featherbed that i use at school... after getting frustrated that the thing wouldnt stay on the bed... i duct taped it in place. now i have the dilemma that im not sure if i can wash the thing without the duct tape getting gooey and sticking to everything, and i have no idea how to get the stuff off - theres no way to take it off by hand or scrape it off.. and the tape covers a large portion of the featherbed. im afraid if i was it and put it in the dryer that im going to end up with one large sticky mess. any suggestions?How to get duct tape off fabric and can you wash it?
Rubbing alcohol will remove the tape residue...:)How to get duct tape off fabric and can you wash it?
the easy way to keep the mess down is pull the duct tape off and re tape it after washing. Duct tape won't really pe sticky after you wash it, and it will set hard to what you wash it on. Most brands of duct tape won't get all gooey unless they get oil or something oil based on them, so the mess in the washer isn't a big concern.

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