Thursday, January 7, 2010

Any way to wash magic marker out of a chair fabric? :-(?

My daughter colored on her little chair with marker, I can't remove the cover, how can I wash it? Will it come out?Any way to wash magic marker out of a chair fabric? :-(?
I've used WD~40, on such, worked for me. It's a lubricant.Any way to wash magic marker out of a chair fabric? :-(?
You can try Hydrogen peroxide. I've used it to get hair dye out of fabrics and even black tattoo ink out of a cream colored shirt. Just pour a little on and rub it out. It works wonders.
Blot it with alcohol. I use white paper towels and blot with a little alcohol being careful to not blot again with the stained part of the paper towel.
Use a q-tip for more precission in your application of rubbing alcohol, use plenty of them too. As one becomes saturated, discard and use new one. Apply dampened tip to the mark, and let the tip suck out the stain, rather than rub it. Be patient, do not try to hurry this.

Also, if this magic marker is permanent...I should say, NEVER leave one in childs reach again! LOL.
try vinigar, good luck have you trid shout it out or tide spot remover?

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